Thursday, May 2, 2013

What dreams may come.....

“Tell me, what is it you plan to do
with your one wild and precious life?”
― Mary Oliver

The countdown has officially begun!
I am flying to Italy (via Dusseldorf)on Sunday. The trip I started planning late last year is almost here...FINALLY!

Although I have been fortunate to travel to Italy several times in the last few years, this trip is different.

1. It's my first solo trip...ever.

2. Aside from reserving tickets for the Uffizi and Vatican museums, I have NO set plans. Italy is going to speak to me...she's going to guide me by the hand, show me her secrets, and steal my heart.

3.There is a "feeling" about this trip...and I'm not the only one who has it. Several people, who know me well, have told me that this will be a special, perhaps life changing trip. 

I have no expectations about this trip.
I KNOW I will be eating an obscene amount of gelato and drinking an equally obscene amount of espresso.
I KNOW I will spend a decadent amount of time in various churches & museums in both cities.
I BELIEVE I will return to Chicago as a different person.

I am excited to see what Italy has in store for me.
I am excited to see what I learn about myself on this trip.
I am excited to see what life has in store for me....

One thing I have learned from this experience thus far just never know.

Last year, I declared out loud, to myself, that I needed to go back to Italy. Not running away from the drama of recent events, but towards the next phase of my life.

I set my intention, without realizing it.

Even before I start packing, I can appreciate how much of a learning experience this has been up until this point.

I have learned to honor myself and my dreams.
I have learned to say a BIG, FAT, YES to my life.
I have learned that nothing is impossible when you want it badly enough and are willing to do the work.
I also learned that it doesn't need to be that hard.

So, I am crossing the last few "to-do's" off my list, getting ready to pack, and get my tush in that seat by take off time on Sunday afternoon.
Then I'm going to settle in, watch a few movies, read a little, nap a little, and wake up the next day in Italia!!

Ci vediamo presto!

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