Friday, January 11, 2013


“Leap, and the net will appear.”
― Julia Cameron 

As I reflect on the last few months, I can see growth...however slowly and almost nonexistent it may have felt at the time. There is comfort in the familiar which causes us/me to avoid change, even when the change is the better, healthier option. When present circumstances become painful enough, I somehow manage to find the courage to change.

I remember another time, over a decade ago when I chose to walk away from the toxic routine my life had become and step into the unknown. It was not as easy transition and there was pain then too. But it was a choice that ultimately saved my life.

I need to remember that when faced with a difficult choice to venture into unknown territory...I have always been taken care of! At times it may feel like I'm clutching onto the side of a mountain, holding on for dear life. That's when I need to remember that sometimes the best thing to do is take a deep breath...


I know from experience...

the net always appears!

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