Wednesday, January 9, 2013

May Cause Miracles

There is no order of difficulty in miracles." ~~~ACIM

I started Gabrielle Bernstein's new book,May Cause Miracles, a few days ago. It's described as "A 40 day Guidebook of Subtle Shifts for Radical Change and Unlimited Happiness." 

RIGHT up my alley!

Gabby is a student and teacher of A Course in Miracles and has been described as this generation's version of Marianne Williamson. 
OK...I will be the 1st to admit that I worship at the altar of Marianne....I could listen to her lectures all day and have read almost every book she has written....there, full disclosure! 


Anyway, I have been struggling with some toxic, negative emotional crap recently and was willing to do ANYTHING to rid myself of it. I wanted an emotional DETOX! The book landed in stores on January 1st...I was dying to get my hands on a copy.

I am thrilled to report that after just 3 days of following the suggestions laid out in Gabby's book, I feel some relief. Something has shifted inside me.I don't get it and I don't need to understand the how and why of it. All I know is that a shift 
has occurred!

ACIM describes a miracle as a shift from fear to love.
My heart is full of love once again.

I can't wait to see what the next 37 days have in store!

**HIGHLY recommend this book!!**

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